Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Powerlifting, Birthdays, Family visits, Oh My!

Last weekend was a busy time.  My husband, who works so hard, at work, at home, and in the gym, competed in a Powerlifting Competition.  He had a great meet and set 2 state records.  Totaled 1885 pounds.  Squat 650, Bench 515, Deadlift 720 lbs.  How hot is that?  Every single day, he is "just"my husband to me.  The days of the competitions, I watch him do what he loves to do, and I am just so impressed!  Every day, I love him for so many reasons.  And his determination is so sexy.  This photo is from a meet, several months ago.  this last meet, I only took video, which i have no idea how to load.  

The next day, we had my son's 8th birthday party.  I have such great kids.  Joseph, you have such a big, open heart.  You are kind, loving, and sensitive to others, always.  I know you will lead and love with your heart.  Sometimes that worries me.  You are an exceptional person, all 8 years of you.  I am very, very proud to be your mom.  Do you know how many of your friends moms tell me what I great kid I have?  All of them.  I say thank you, but what I really think is, "I know, isnt he???!!!"
Honestly, Bear and Nico, if you ever read this, just know that I absolutely know how lucky I am to have 2 kids who are so great.  Anyways, My oldest son's bday party was a nice time.  Lots of crazy kids running around.  He had fun, his friends had fun, and it was over too soon.  
BTW, my son is gonna try and grow a mohawk.  yep.  guitar hero has poisoned him.  he was shocked that I gave my permisson.  I said, its your hair, its not unhygienic, its just a fun experiment, why not?  He's just starting, but he's excited!

I am honored...

I received this award from one of my best friends, Real life friend too!  Thanks Donna...

The original idea was created by whose adorable son Noah recieved a heart transplant.  How amazing is life?  I believe organ donation is an amazing thing.  I've always been sure to be a potential donor since i first started driving. Please think of what organ donation means to frightened and optionless families.  I am so in awe of medical science and think if there is anything I could do, this is the least I could do. says The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**

Here are some blogs that make me smile and enjoy the moment...  and forgive me for my lack of blogging knowledge.  I dont know how to put a name, which can be clicked on and sent directly to their blog...boy, I am embarrassed!!!

Donna, she's definately one of my best friends.  She's the real deal, no fluff and frosting.


and here are plenty who make me laugh and give me a few mins out of my own busy life...



McMommy Chronicles

4 fun boys

So, Donna, help me out.  Im getting too old I guess. ..